
Today's globalised and highly complex food supply chain involves many potential quality and food safety risks. Nutrace covers the entire supply chain through collaboration with internal and external partners. It starts with suppliers, where we use rigorous selection criteria and execute audits to help ensure our raw materials meet optimal safety and quality standards.

Then, it continues with building food safety and sustainability management systems that contribute to the production of safer, healthier and more sustainable seafood and land animal proteins for the world’s growing population. 

The programme has five pillars that represent the foundation upon which we safeguard the manufacture of high-quality feeds from high quality raw materials.

1. Certified quality & food safety - Certification against leading international safety and quality standards and strict internal procedures form the basis of consistent sourcing, formulation, production, storage and logistics.

2. Ingredients and supplier assessment - Continuous ingredient and supplier assessment ensures that only safe and sustainable raw materials are used in the production of animal feeds.

3. Monitoring & control - Global monitoring and control systems prevent the presence of undesirable substances in our products.

4. Risk management - Risk management procedures ensure an effective and professional response should the need arise.

5. Tracking & tracing - Tracking & tracing systems guarantee rapid, efficient information flows between Nutreco, our suppliers and customers.